The Journal of Korean Institute of Communications and Information Sciences (한국통신학회논문지)
- Volume 2 Issue 1
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- Pages.14-19
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- 1977
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- 1226-4717(pISSN)
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- 2287-3880(eISSN)
Investigation about the Functions of Communication(in Respet of Social Side)
Communication기능에 관한 고찰(社會的側面을 中心으로)
Our social needs many kinds of different circulation method, so the function of communication has been changed the whole situation through the process of many transitions. The form of our civilization is changing into the social which is full of information owing to the development of mass communication. The value of using the information is murk heightening by it's own high dependence. The using of information is being rapidly enlarged, at the same time the development of technique on the information management is caused by the development of communication technique. Thus geometrical operation of both of the above has changed the function of communication. Maybe we will have to present all the primary factors on the communication transition from the social side in order to develop communication method.
오늘의 社會는 多樣한 通信方式을 必要로 하는 社會的 欲求로 말미암아 Communication의 機能도 많은 樣相의 變遷過程을 거치고 있다. 旣存文明의 形態는 매스컴의 發展에 依하여 情報化된 社會로 變形되어가고 情報利用의 價値性도 그 依存度가 높아짐에 따라서 測定할 수 없는 경지에까지 이르렀다. 特히 情報機械의 發展에 따라서 情報利用의 急進的으로 擴大되어 가고 아울러 情報處理技術의 發展은 通信發達의 原因이 되면서 이 兩者의 相互的인 作用은 Communication機能의 變遷을 招來하게 되었다. 이와 같은 Communication機能의 變遷過程을 社會的 側面에서 考察함으로써 Communication 發展上 하나의 課題로 提示해 보고자 한다.