-부농촌지역이 상하중 위생실태조사

A Survey on the Sanitary Condition of Water Source and Toilet in Korean Rural Area.

  • 발행 : 1977.04.01


Main objectives of this survey were to find out general sanitary status of water source, draining status and toilet in Shindong Myun, Chungseong Gun. Interviewers of fourteen students visited 1,775 households in this Myun, filled the survey form and checked sanitary conditions of the areas from September 1 to November 30, 1974. Results are summarized as follows: 1. Draining state of pumps is better than that of wells and also the the quality of water sources are better in pumps than in wells. Wells and pumps of 54.1% were constructed more than five years ago. 2. About 66.7% use pump water, 10.5% well water and 8.3% simple piped drinking water system and average water consumption is 22.7l per day per capita. Private water system is 66.0% while public system 27.1%. 3. Water is used for drinking, washing body and cleaning at 53.8% while only for drinking at 7.4%. 4. Nearest pollution sources of drinking water are mainly toilets and stables, and average distances between them are less than ten meters. 5. Toilets of 78.3% are used only by one households and those of 12.9% by two. 6. Toilets of 10.9% are inside main building while those of 85.4% outside main building. 7. Toilet tanks are covered only at 6.3% households while not covered at 95.4%. The contents of tanks are removed about twice a month (40.2%), and 84.1% use them as fertilizer on their own farm and contents of 10.1% are removed by other people. 8. Excreta are utilized on the vegetable farm by 38.2% households, on the vegetable and barley farms by 19.7% and on the paddy fields by 8.2%.
