경험적 면적감소법을 위한 저수지 분류에 관한 연구

Multiple Regression Analysis to Determine the Reservoir Classification in the Empirical Area-Reduction Method

  • 권오훈 (한국수문학회정회원, 충남대 공대 전강.기술사)
  • 발행 : 1977.06.01


The empirical area-reduction method by W.M. Borland and C.R. Miller and its revised procedure by W.T. Moody were made of fitting the area and storage curves to the Van't Hul distributions. It should be noted that the reservoir is classified into one of the four standard types on the basis of the topographical feature of the reservoir in application of the method. In other words, this method did not take into account several considerafble factors affecting the mode of sediment deposition, but only the shape of the reservoir as a governign factor. This is why the method occasionally creates ambiguity in classification and accordingly leads to unexpected mode of deposition. This paper describes a generating an formula to decide the standard classification of four types Van's Hul distributions, taking into consideration quantitatively sediment-loss percent and capacity-inflow ratio as well as the shape of the reservoirs by multiple regression analysis using the least square method to get a better fit to the design curves. The result is expressed as $Y=-1.95+55.8X_1+0.14X_2+0.12X_3$ in which the the values of Y locate the standard type I through type IV in the range from ten to forty with the interval of ten. The regression analysis was correlated well with the standard errors of estimate of around two except for the case of the type IV. This formula does not give big difference from the Borland's work in general sityation, but it demonstrates acceptable results, giving somewhat precise replys for the specific reservoirs. Its application to the Soyang Lake, one of the largest reservoirs in the country, defined clearly the type II, while the original method located it in the boundary of the type II and type III.
