A Study on the Unit Hydrograph Derivation by the Triangular Form

삼각도형에 의한 단위도의 유도에 관한 연구

  • 윤학기 (상주 농잠전문학교 농공학과) ;
  • 김시원 (건국대학교 농과대학 경북대학교 농과대학, 경북대학교 농과대학) ;
  • 서승덕
  • Published : 1977.06.01


The curvilinear hydrograph can be replaced by an equivalent triangular hydrograph which is more easily constructed and, for routing through reservoirs or stream channels, gives results about as accurate as those obtained using the curvilinear hydrograph. A synthetic hydrograph is prepared using the data from a number of watersheds to develop a dimensionless unit hydrograph applicable to ungauged watersheds. The dimensionless unit hydrograph for the NakDong River Basin was prepared from the unit hydrographs of a variety of nine subwatersheds. The equation for the peak rate of flow (unit volume of runoff in 1.0mm) was derived as {{{{ { q}_{p } = { 0.21AR} over { {T }_{p } } }}}} The results summarized in this study are as follows: 1) It found that the watershed lag time (Lg, hrs) could be expressed by Lg=0.253(L.Lca)0.4171 The product L.Lca is a measure of the size and shape of the watershed. Correlation coefficient for Lg was 0.97 which defined with high significance. 2) The base length of the unitgraph, in hours, was adopted as Tb=17.51+2.073Lg with high significant correlation coefficient, 0.92. 3) Time in hour from start of rise to peak rate (TP) generally occured at the position of 0.289 Tb with some indication of higher values for larger watershed. 4) Triangular hydrograph is a dimensionless unitgraph prepared from the 40 unitgraphs. The equation is shown as {{{{ { q}_{p } = { K.A.R} over { { T}_{p } } }}}}. The constant K=0.21 is defined to NakDong River basin. 5) In the light of the results analyzed in this study, average errors in the peak discharge of the Trjangular unitgraph was estimated as 5.34 percent to the peak of observed average unitgraph. Each ordinate of the Triangular unitgraph was approached closely to the observed one.
