Effect of Humidity on Physico-chemical Properties of Hydrous Aluminum Oxide

  • 발행 : 1977.06.01


The effect of humidity on the aging process of hydrous aluminum oxide prepared by the reaction of aluminum chloride and sodium bicarbonate solution at pH 7.8, which was then kept in various atmosphere under relative humidity at 37.deg. was observed by the measurements of acid consuming capacity, X-ray diffraction and IR absorption. The humidity was one of the important factors influencing the aging process of hydrous aluminum oxide during storage. The higer the humidity, the more was accelerated age, crystalize and loss in acid reactivity. Depending on the humidity, the aging product was different, especially, in the case of up to the relative humidity of 72%, it forming bayerite. On the other hand, the hydrous aluminum oxide aged below the relative humidity of 50% was still amorphous even after 120 days storage. When hydrous aluminum oxide was aged under higher humidity, definite IR absorption bands develop as the hydroxys become part of an ordered structure, and it showed their characteristic absorption band around 1630 and 1060 cm$^{-1}$.
