오리고기의 지방산조성(脂肪酸組成)에 관(關)한 연구(硏究)

Studies on the Fatty Acid Composition of Duck Meat

  • 발행 : 1977.03.30


오리고기를 가식부(可食部)만을 n-Hexane으로 지방(脂肪)을 용출(溶出)하고 정제(精製)한 다음 methyl ester시켜 gas chromatography로 분석(分析)하고 몇가지 화학적(化學的) 성자(性資)를 시험(試驗)하여 다음과 같은 결과(結果)를 얻었다. 1. 오리고기의 일반성분(一般成分)은 수분(水分) 64.87%, 단백질(蛋白質) 19.06%, 조지방(粗脂肪) 17.3%, 회분(灰分) 1.12%로 닭고기에 비(比)하여 지방(脂肪)은 다소 많았다. 2. 용매(溶媒)의 종류에 따라 용출량(溶出量)이 다소 차이가 있었다. Ethylether에 79.57%, chloroform에 70.15%, n-Hexane에 72.35%로 나타났다. 3. n-hexane으로 용출(溶出)한 지방(脂肪)의 chemical constant는 산가(酸價) 5.01, 검화가 201.5, 요오드가(價)카 50.1, 카보널가(價) 4.5%를 나타냈다. 4. n-Hexane으로 용출(溶出)한 지방산(脂肪酸)을 gas chromatography에 의(依)하며 분석(分析)하여 오리고기(Leg portion)는 Myristic acid 0.12%, palmitic acid 17.2% , Stearic acid 3.1%, Oleic acid 45.9%, Linoleic acid 19.9%, Linolenic acid 1.6%를 나타냈고, 오리고기(Breast portion)는 Myristic acid 0.17%, Palmitic acid 17.1%, stearic acid 3.3%, Oleic acid 51.2%, Linoleic acid 17.2%, Linolenic acid 1.7%이었고, arachidonic acid는 측정되지 않았다. 5. 오리피의 cholesterol은 total 200mg%, Breast portion의 fat에 cholesterol의 total은 260mg%, Leg portion의 fat에 cholesterol의 tatal은 400mg% 이었다. $\divideontimes$ 본연구(本硏究)는 1976년도(年度) 광주서원전문학교(光州瑞元專門學校) 학술연구조성비에 의(依)하여 행(行)한 것입니다.

Quantitative analysis of the fatty acids contained in Duck meat was carried out by the Gas Chromatography with Flame ionization Detector, The general components and chemical constants have been performed with A.O.A.C. methods. The results art summarized as follows : 1. General composition of Duck meat come out to be 64.87% moisture, 19.06% protein, 17.05% fat, and 1.02% ash. 2. It was investigated that extraction of lipids were performed by Soxhlet extractor for 12 hours. Amounts of lipids were extracted 79.57% in ethylether, 70.15% in chloroform, and 72.35% in n-hexane. 3. Chemical constants of lipids in Duck meat were obtained as follows : Saponification number 201.5, Acid number 5.01, Iodine number 50.1 and Carbonyl number 4.5 4. It was investigated that the fatty acid component were quantitatively determined by the gas chromatography : Linolenic acid 1.6%, Linoleic acid 19.9%, Oleic acid 45.9%, Stearic acid 3.1% Palmitic acid 17.2% and Myristic acid 0.12% in leg portion. Linolenic acid 1.7% Linoleic acid 17.2%, Oleic acid 51.2%, Stearic acid 3.3%, Palmitic acid 17.1% and Myristic acid 0.17% in breast portion. 5. Cholesterol of blood, breast and leg portion fat in Duck were obtained as follows : Total cholesterol 200 mg%, 260 mg% , and 400 mg% respectively; cholesterol ester 120mg%, 151 mg%, and 240mg% respectively.
