The Korean Journal of Mycology (한국균학회지)
- Volume 5 Issue 1
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- Pages.33-37
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- 1977
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- 0253-651X(pISSN)
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- 2383-5249(eISSN)
Before Harvest Occurrence of Gibberella Perithecia of Fusarium moniliforme on Infected Rice Stems In field
수확전(收穫前) 논의 벼줄기에 감염(感染)된 Fusarium moniliforme에서의 Gibberella 자낭각(子囊殼)의 발생(發生)
- Sung, Jae-Mo (Inst. of Agricultural Sciences, Office of Rural Development) ;
- Snyder, William C.
- Published : 1977.06.30
This study was made in order to determine which Gibberella species were occurring on rice stems and seeds in the field, and their survival 5 months after harvest time. An average 12% of plants infected with 'Bakanae' disease occurred in 4 fields planted with non-treated seed. Prior to harvest, more perithecia of Gibberella moniliformis occurred on infected rice stems than of Gibberella rosea. But Gibberella rosea was most common on the seed, and perithecia of this species also survived best until spring. F. moniliforme, F. roseum and Ophiobolus sp. were isolated from seedlings planted from naturally infected seed at the rates of 10, 25 and 8% respectively and from infected stems at rates of 3, 10 and 2% respectively. Perithecia of Gibberella rosea survived through the winter on naturally infected rice stems when kept dry indoors, buried in field soil, or places in straw stackes in the field. They did not survive on straw left on the soil surface during the very cold and dry conditions of the 1976-'77 winter.
포장(圃場)에서 키다리병(病)에 걸린 줄기와 종자(種子)로 부터 얻은 자낭각이 어느 종류(種類)의 Gibberella에 존재(存在)하며, 수확후(收穫後)에 얻은 자낭각의 생존(生存)여부를 조사(調査)하기 위하여 처리한 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 종자소독(種子消毒)을 하지 않은 포장(圃場)에서 키다리병(病)의 이병율(罹病率)은 평균(平均) 12%이었다. 2. 수확전(收穫前)에 얻은 자낭각은 키다리병의 자낭각이 적미병의 자낭각보다 많았으나 종자(種子)나 봄에 채집한 자낭각은 거의 적미병에 있었다. 3. 키다리병에 이병된 벼에서 채종한 종자(種子)에서 키다리병, 적미병, Ophiobolus sp.는 10, 25, 8%로 나타났으며 이병(罹病)된 줄기로부터 얻은 포자(胞子)로 접종(接種)한 종자(種子)에서는 3, 10, 2%로 나타났다. 4. 적미병자낭각을 야외 땅속 실내 집눌속에 놓고 5개월이 지난다음 생존(生存)여부를 조사(調査)한 결과(結果) 야외에 놓은 것만 발아하지 않았다.