The concentration of amino acids, total nitrogen, trehalose, lipids and the activities of respiratory, acid$\cdot$alkaline phosphatase, glutamic oxalozcetic transaminase and glutamic pyruvic transaminase during larval stage in Pine leaf gall midge, Thecodiplosis janensis Uchi. et Inouye were measured using Paper chromatographic method, micro-Kjeldahl method, Thin layer chromatographic method, Warburg's manometric method, Bessey-Lowry method and Reitman-Frankel method, respectively. Healthy specimens )yore chosen as samples of each larval stages; alrva in gall and larva in soil. Amino acids present in the alcoholic extracts were alanine, glutamic acid, glycine, histidine, methionine, proline, threonine, tryptophan and valine. The total nitrogen concentration reached to 31.348mg/g during the larva in gall and the larval stage in soil of the value was decreased to 29.027mg/g. The hemolymph sugar, trehalose value for larva in soil was about two times of the value for larva in gall. Total lipid, phospholipid,monoacylglycerol, triacylglycerol, sterol, free fatty acid and ester cholesterol were identified at larval stages in gall and soil. Triacylglycerol concentration reached high level in contrast with other lipid contents during larvae in gall and larva in soil. Free fatty acid, sterol except decreased lipids during larval stage in soil. Endogenous respiration, succinate of respiratory activities decreased at larval stage in soil compare with larva in gall. The activities of acid phosphatase decreased larval stage in soil but the activities of alkaline phosphatase increased remarkably. The activities of glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase and glutamic pyruvic transaminase reached high level of the larva in gall.
솔잎혹파리 (Thecodiplosis japonensis Uchi. et Inouye)의 충영속 유충과 충영을 탈출하여 낙하한 토중의 유충을 대상으로 체액을 분석, 측정코저 종이 크로마토그라피법, micro-Kjeldahl법, 박층 크로카토그라피 법, 왈부르그 검압계법, Bessey-Lowry법과 Reitman-Frankel법으로 측정 또는 분석하였다. 충영과 유충과 토중의 유충에 따라 유리 아미노산, 총 질소함량의 변화, 탄수화물의 변화, 지질의 종류와 변화, 호흡능, phosphatase, GOT, ?의 활성도가 측정되었다. 유리 아미노산, 총 질소함량, 지질함량, 호흡능, acid phosphatase의 황성, GPT의 활성은 충영속의 유충에서 토중의 유충으로 진행함에 따라 감소하는 경향을 나타냈다. 그러나 trehalose의 함량과 alkaline phosphatase의 활성은 증가하는 경향을 나타냈다.