A study on the application of the aerial photographs for forest inventory

항공사진(航空寫眞)을 이용(利用)한 산림자원조사법(山林資源調査法)의 연구(硏究)

  • Kim, Kap Duk (College of Agriculture, Seoul National University)
  • Received : 1976.03.08
  • Published : 1976.06.30


This study was performed in Bo-Eun Gun, Chung-Cheong Buk Do. The forest types having been classified, the each area was measured by dot-grid method. The 820 sample points having been obtained by systematic sampling method, the tree heights, crown densities, crown diameters in the points were measured on the aerial photography, and the volumes per hectare were estimated by the comparison with stereogram. Thirty eight plots, which amounted to about 4.5% of all the sample points, were sampled with double sampling method and volume were measured by the ground survey method. the results were summarized as follows; 1. There is no significant differentia between the values measure by dot-grid method and the statistical values obtained by the authority for the area. 2. There is no significant differentia between the estimated values and the measured values for the volume. And the coefficient (b) was 1.18. 3. The heights of conifer trees were easily measured more or less, but it was some difficult for the deciduous trees, because the tops of trees were not observed easily. 4. All the values had a tendencies to be overestimated in the low stocked stand and to be underestimated in the high stocked stand. 5. When the aerial volume table method by ground checking needs to be used together, the work should be performed by the experienced technician and the photgraphic volume table should be made in advanced of the work.

항공사진(航空寫眞)을 이용(利用)한 자원조사법(資源調査法)에는 지상법(地上法) 항공사진법(航空寫眞法) 및 지상병용법(地上併用法)이 있는데 본시험(本試驗)에서는 지상병용법(地上併用法)을 적용(適用)할때 그 정도(精度)를 검정(檢定)한 것이다. 충북(忠北) 보은군(報恩郡)을 대상(對象)으로 임상구분(林相區分)한 후 면적(面積)을 점격자법(點格子法)에 의(依)하여 확정(確定)시켰으며 임상도(林相圖)에서 820개(個)의 Sample plot를 계통적(系統的) 추출법(抽出法)에 의(衣)하여 추출(抽出)한 후 항공사진(航空寫眞)에서 수고(樹高) 수관밀도(樹冠密度) 수관직경(樹冠直徑) 등(等)을 측정(測定)하여 Stereogram과 대조(對照) 비교(比較)하여 ha당(當) 재적(材積)을 추정(推定)하였고 820개(個)의 약(約) 4.5%에 해당(該當)하는 38개(個) plot를 Double Sampling에 의(依)하여 추출(抽出)한 후 현지(現地) 측정(測定)하여 분석(分析)한 결과(結果)를 요약(要約)하면 다음과 같다. 1. 점격자법(點格子法)에 의(依)한 면적측정치(面積測定値)와 행정통계치(行政統計値)와의 사이에 유의차(有意差)가 없었다. 2. 추정치(推定値)와 실측치(實測値) 간(間)에 유의차(有意差)가 없었으며 계수(係數) b의 값은 1.18이였다. 3. 침엽수(針葉樹)의 수고측정(樹高測定)은 비교적(比較的) 용이(容易)하였으나 활엽수(濶葉樹)인 경우는 정부(頂部)가 흐려져 측정(測定)이 비교적(比較的) 곤란(困難)하였다. 4. 재적(材積)이 적은 임분(林分)에서는 과대평가(過大評價)를 재적(材積)이 많은 임분(林分)에서는 과소평가(過小評價)되는 경향(傾向)이 있었다. 5. 지상병용법(地上併用法)을 적용시(適用時)는 숙달(熟達)된 기술자(技術者)에 의(衣)하여 추진(推進)되어야 하겠으며 사진재적표(寫眞材積表) 조제(調製) 먼저 이루어져야 하겠다.
