연안안강망어업의 원가실태에 관한 연구

A Study on the Cost State of the Stow Net Fisheries.

  • 발행 : 1976.06.01


The results analyzed of the actual state of the stow net fisheries based on the cost expended in 1975 areas follows; The total cost of this fisheries will be 1, 672, 238 won; the production cost, 1, 588, 060 won (95%) ; the material cost in proportion to total cost (100%)408, 480won (24.4%);the labour cost, 1, 006, 480 won (60.2%) ; the expenses, 173, 100won(10.4%)and the commission and the interest payment, 84, 178won(5%). As above the commission and the interest payment doesn't need to be paid much, but only production cost should be paid in case of small scale inshore fisheries. The cost per unit of caches (per Kg) becomes 12 won, the ratio cost of sales (83.4%), the ratio of profit, 16.%. According to the adove, in case of the powered vessel; it shows a tendency of spending too much expenses owing to excessive payment of oil. And in case of nonpowered vessels, it shows a tendency of spending less expenses but still get much gains, due to the fact that the commission and the interest payment are less, and none is paid for fuel procurement.
