General Oceanographic Factors In Yeongil Bay Of Korea, Late October 1973

가을철 영일만수괴의 일반해양학적 특성

  • Published : 1976.12.01


Some factors of seawater such as water temperature, salinity, pH, dissolved oxygen and asturation of dissolved oxygen were determined in 5 meters intervals from surface to bottom at 11 stations in Yeongil Bay of Korea during late October 1973. Distribution pattern of water masses in Yeongil Bay during the period seemed to be heterogeneous as dividing into two parts of surface and bottom. Water temperature, pH, dissolved oxygen and saturation of dissolved oxygen of surface water mass showed higher values and salinity of the mass showed lower values than those factors of bottom water mass. Surface water mass might be originated from Tsushima current during summer season and bottom water mass from cold body of East Sea of Korea which seemed to extend to coastal zone during winter season. Land water discharge from Hyeongsan River into the Bay is considered as a minor factor playing slight role in the water mass composition of the area.

우리 나라 연안에 대한 해양학적 조사는 그렇게 조직적으로 조사된 편이 못된다. 1960년대 이후로 수질오염과 관련해서 연안수질조사를 많이 실시해왔지만(원;1963, 1964, 1970, 장과 배;1968, 박 등;1969, 이 등;1969, 김;1970, 원과 박;1970, 1973, 최와 정;1971, 1972, 강;1972, 이 등;1972a, b, 1973, 1974a, b, c, d, e, 1975a, b, 변 등;1973, 한 등;1973, 황 등;1973, 1974, 1975, 김과 조;1974a, b, 박 등;1974a, b 박과 조;1974, 이 등;1974, 정과 권;1974, 곽과 이;1975, 박 등;1975, 박;1975a, b, 김 등;1976, 김 등;1976, 김과 김;1976) 대부분이 해양의 특성을 파악하는데 불충분했고 단 한번을 조사하더라도 면밀한 조사를 실시한 예는 그리 많지 못하다.
