최적 피이드백 제어기 설계에 관한 연구

A Study on Optimal Dynamic Feedback Controller Design

  • 발행 : 1976.09.01


In this paper, the problem of controlling deterministic contimuous linear system with a slightly modified quadratic performance criteria is studied. When the number of out put variables is much lesser then that of state variables, either the controller becomes complex or the performance measure becomes much higher with only output feedback. So the design philosphy treated in this paper lies in finding a compromising point between the controller complexity and the performance measure. thd controller is composed of stasic plus dynamic compensator with order equal to the mtmber of output variables. Several unknowns are unknown parameters are bundled into one, and using Pontryagin's minimum principle, conditions and formula for optimum control are induced which are different from that of Kalman optimal regulator.
