감자에서의 페놀화합물에 대한 연구

A Study on The Phenolic Content of Potatoes

  • 최혜미 (Florida 주립대학 식품영양학과)
  • Choi, Hay-Mie (Dept. of Food and Nutrition, Florida State University)
  • 발행 : 1976.06.28


Lasoda와 Sebago 두 종류의 감자를 사용하여, 조리 조건을 달리 하여 conventional oven에 $218^{\circ}C$에서와 microwave oven에서 구어내어 껍질을 베끼고 cortex 부분만 취하여 전체 phenol을 분석하였다. 또한 chlorogenic acid와 caffeic acid를 표준으로 하여 thin-layer chromatography로 감자의 phenol화합물을 분석 하였다. Phenol양은 구운 감자보다 생 감자에 더 많았고, Sebago 보다 Lasoda에 많았다. 수분손실은 conventional oven에서 구운 감자에 컸고, microwave oven에서 구운 Lasoda에는 phenol양이 많았다. 또한 phenol양이 많은 Lasoda가 chlorogenic acid도 많았다.

Two varieties, Lasoda and Sebago potatoes, were studied. Different cooking methods, conventional oven baking at $218^{\circ}C$ and microwave oven baking, have been used to compare the retention of the phenolic compounds. Peeled cortex samples of fresh and cooked potatoes were analyzed for total phenols, phenolic constituents, and moisture loss. Phenolic content was higher in fresh potatoes than in cooked potatoes. Laasoda had higher phenolic content (3. 63mg) than Sebago (1. 71mg). Potatoes with higher phenols (Lasoda) also had larger quantities of chlorogenic acid. There was a greater moisture loss in conventional oven baking potatoes than in microware oven.
