전북지방의 씨감자 생산을 위한 적지선정 및 감자 바이러스병에 관한 연구(II). 씨감자의 바이러스병 검정

A Survey of Potato Virus Diseases and Insect Vectors at Seed Potato Production Area in Jeon Bug(II). Serological Test on Virus Diseases of Seed Potatoes

  • 윤순기 (전북대학교 농과대학 농학과) ;
  • 소인영 (전북대학교 농과대학 농학과) ;
  • 최성식 (원광대학교 농과대학 농학과)
  • Yoon Soon Kie (Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural College, Jeonbug University) ;
  • So In Yung (Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural College, Jeonbug University) ;
  • Choi Seong Shick (Dept. of Agriculture, Agricultural College, Wonkwang University)
  • 발행 : 1975.05.01


전북지방의 씨감자 생산적지를 선정하기 위한 기초자료로서 고랭지대인 전북 무주군 무풍면 상오정 1대(700-800m)와 평야지인 전주에서 대관령 고랭지 시험장산 원종 남작(Solanum tuberosum Var. Irish Cobbler, Shimabara)과 무주산 재래종 씨감자(품종미상)를 재배하면서 씨감자의 바이러스 이병율 및 재배기간중의 지역별 감염율등을 혈청학적으로 검정하여 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1. 우리나라에서 현재 유통되고 있는 씨감자의 감자 바이러스 혼합감염율은 $50.88\%$이며 바이러스별로는 Potato virus Y(PVY)$(34.87\%)$$(40.33%)$$(41.00\%)$< Potato Virus(PVX)$(87.10\%)$로서 PVX가 가장 높은 이병율을 나타내고 있었다. 2. 감자바이러스의 1년차 감염율은 무주지방이 $11.7\%$, 전주지방이 $18.95\%$로서 무주지방이 낮고 특히 곤충매개가 심한 PVY의 감염율은 $6.45\%$ 밖에 안되어 이는 씨감자 생산지로서 적합함을 인정할 수 있었다. 3. 씨감자 자체의 바이러스 이병율은 대관령산이 $41.75\%$, 무주 재래종이 $42.17\%$로서 대관령산과 비슷하였고 작황은 대관령 산이 좋았다.

The study has been carried to find a proper site for seed potato production in Jeon Bug Province, Korea. Two fields, one at the alpine area (700-800 m sea level) in Muju county and the other at the plain area in Jeoniu, were chose for this study. Seed potatoes for the experiment were obtained from Alpine Experiment Station and from the traditional sources in Muju area. During the growing season the virus infection (Potato virus X,S,Y, and M) was detected by serolgical method. The average percent of virus infection on the original seed potatoes, which have been used as a seed source in Korea, was $50.5\%$, and the ratio of the infection for each of potato virus, Y, M and X was 34..87, 40.33, 41.00 and $87.10\%$, respectively. Infection percentage of virus at first year in Muju area was $11.7\%$ and those in Jeonju area was $18.95\%$. In case of potato virus Y, the most prevalent virus in Korea, lower Infection percentage $(6.45\%)$ was found in Muju area than in tile Jeonju area $(26.0\%)$ when the seed from Alpine Experiment Station was planted in both areas. The percentage of infected seed potato, Alpine Experiment Station$(41.75\%)$ was almost the same as those from the traditional sources in Muju $(42.17\%)$. The production of seed potato, however, was much better by the seeds from Alpine Experiment Station.
