층적처리(層積處理)에 의한 주목종자(朱木種子)의 함유성분(含有成分)의 변화(變化)

Changes in Endogenous Substances in Relation to Stratification of Dormant Taxus cuspidata Seeds

  • 위흡 (전북대학교 농과대학) ;
  • 고대식 (전북대학교 농과대학) ;
  • 한철수 (전북대학교 농과대학)
  • Wi, Heub (College of Agriculture, Jeonbug National University) ;
  • Koh, Dae Shik (College of Agriculture, Jeonbug National University) ;
  • Han, Cheol Soo (College of Agriculture, Jeonbug National University)
  • 투고 : 1975.08.10
  • 발행 : 1975.12.30


휴면기간(休眠期間)이 긴 주목종자(朱木種子)의 습층처리(濕層處理)에 따른 종자내(種子內) 생장(生長) 촉진물질(促進物質)과 생장(生長) 억제물질(抑制物質), 당(糖), 전분(澱粉), 단백질(蛋白質) 및 지방(脂肪) 등(等) 성분(成分)의 소장(消長)과 발아촉진(發芽促進)과의 관계(關係)를 구명(究明)코자 본(本) 실험(實驗)을 수행(遂行)하였던바 그 결과(結果)는 다음과 같다. 1. 습층처리(濕層處理)에 의(依)하여 종자내(種子內) 배육(胚肉)에 있어서의 생장촉진물질(生長促進物質)은 증가(增加)하고 생장(生長) 억제물질(抑制物質)은 급감(急減)하여, 이 양자간(兩者間)의 상호작용(相互作用)이 처리(處理) 1년 이후 11월부터 이듬해 3월사이에 이루어져서 발아(發芽)를 촉진(促進)한다고 생각되며 한편 종피(種皮)에 있어서의 생장(生長) 촉진물질(促進物質)은 배육(胚肉)에 있어서와는 달리 거의 소장(消長)에는 변동(變動)이 없고, 생장(生長) 억제물질(抑制物質)의 양(量)은 급감(急減)하여 지는 것으로 미루어, 종피(種皮)와 발아촉진(發芽促進)과의 관계(關係)는 촉진물질(促進物質)보다 억제물질(抑制物質)의 소실(消失)에 영향(影響)되며 익년(習年) 11월부터 그 다음해 3월사이에 이루어진다고 생각된다. 2. 상치종자(種子)의 발아력(發芽力) 시험결과(試驗結果) 생장(生長) 억제물질(抑制物質)이 발아(發芽)를 좌우(左右)하는 것으로 보아 주목종자(朱木種子)의 발아(發芽)는 생장촉진물질(生長促進物質)보다 생장(生長) 억제물질(抑制物質)에 영향(影響)함이 크다고 생각된다. 3. 습층처리(濕層處理) 함으로서 배육내(胚肉內) 당(糖)과 조단백질량(粗蛋白質量)은 함수율(含水率)과 함께 증가(增加)하나 조지방(粗脂肪)과 전분량(澱粉量)은 감소(減少)하며 이들 성분(成分)의 소장(消長) 또한 발아촉진(發芽促進)과 밀접(密接)한 관계(關係)가 있는 것 같다.

The purpose of this paper is to elucidate physiologically the cause of the hastening germination of dormant Taxus cuspidata seeds by stratification. During the stratification the exchange of chemical substances such as sugar, protein, starch and fat were observed, and growth promoting and inhibiting substances were extracted and seperated from seeds by the conventional chromatographic method with coleoptile straight-growth test. An intensive investigation was made on the balance between the promoters and inhibitors. consequently, it was confirmed that germination of seeds was accelerated with exchange of chemical substances by stratification. The results obtained may be summarized as follows: 1. During the stratification growth promoters were increased and growth inhibitors were decreased rapidly in the endosperm of seeds. Thus, it was presumed that hastening germination was controlled by balace between the promoters and inhibitors from November to next March after a year's stratification. On the other hand growth promoters were almost constant and growth inhibitors were decreased rapidly in the seed coats, and it was presumed that hastening germination was influenced by exchange of inhibitors more than by that of promoters. 2. As a results of germination test of lettuce seeds, it was generalized that hastening germination was controlled by a decreased amount of growth inhibitors more than by an increased amount of promoters. 3. During the stratification sugar and crude protein contents were increased gradully with moisture content, while starch and crude fat were decreased in endosperm of seeds. So it was assumed that the exchange of these chemical substances was closely related to the germination of seeds.
