콩가루벌레 (Aphanostigma iakusuiense)에 관한 연구 (I) 방제시험을 중심으로

Studies on Pear Phylloxera (Aphanostigma iakusuiense Kishida) (1) On the Control Methods

  • Yoon Ju Kyung (College of Agriculture, Chonnam National University) ;
  • Lee Don Kil (Cholla Namdo Provinical Office of Rural Development)
  • 발행 : 1974.12.01


1974년 4월부터 11월사이에 전남 나주 과수원지대에서 발생되고 있는 콩가루벌레의 생활습성과 방제시험을 하였던 바 그 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1. 월동란의 부위를 보면 지상 1.5-2.0m에다 $60\%$ 이상을 산란하며 0.5m나 2.5m는 각각 $10\%$내이 이었다. 2. 만삼길과 국수의 란괴와 부화율은 $13.7-12.97\%$로 품종간에 큰 차이는 없었다. 3. 부화율을 보면 4월 6일까지는 전혀 부화하지 않았으나 4월 13일에 $12.8\%$, 5월 4일에는 $90.6\%$의 부화를 하였다. 4. 초춘부화시기를 전후하여 8종의 농약을 살포한바 C8514, Metasystox, Acar338, Parathion이 Sevin이나 Malix보다 우수하였다. 5. 8월 20일부터 9월 20일사이에 콩가루벌레가 가장 많이 발생하였는데 그때에 란이나 약충이 비슷하게 발생하고 있었다. 6. 봉지로 침입한 후 약제시험을 한 바 DDVP, Loxoun, C8514, Acar338, Sevin, Binapacryl이 EPN, Otran보다 우수하였다. 7. 천적으로는 포식성응애 (Protolaelaps pygmaeus Muller)와 애남생이 무당벌레를 채집하였다. 포식성응애의 기생율은 지역에 따라서 다른데 비아과원지대에서는 $0.77-18.04\%$, 노안과원에서는 $7.88-48.71\%$의 높은 기생율을 보인 반면 영산포과원에서는 거의 기생하지 않았다. 8. 품종간에 피해과를 보면 조생적>국수>만삼길>금촌추>장심랑순이었다.

Life history and control methods of Aphanostigma iakusuiense Kishida were studied during April to November, 1974, in the Naju pear orchard area, Cholla Namdo. The results are summarized as follows: 1. More than $60\%$ of wintering eggs were found at the height of 1.5 to 2.0m from the soil surface, with approximately $10\%$ at 0.5 to 1.5m and 1.5 to 2.5m respectively. 2. There was little difference in the size of egg masses and hatching ratio $(12.7-13.7\%)$ between the varieties of host trees, Mansamkil and Kooksoo. 3. Hatching was not observed until April 6, but hatches of $12.8\%$ on April 13 and $90.6\%$ on May 4 were found. 4. During the hatching season in early spring, 8 chemicals were applied to test effectiveness of control. C8514, Metasystox, Acar 338, and Parathion were more effective than either Sevin or Malix for control of this insect. 5. Highest populations of pear phylloxera ocurred from August 20 to September 20 at which time levels of eggs and larvae were simillar in abundance. 6. In tests for control of this insect after in paper bags, DDVP, Loxon, C8514, Sevin, and Binapacryl were more effective than either EPN or Otran. 7. Predacious mite, Protolaelape pygmaeus Miller, and several species of lady beetles (Coccinellidae) preying on this insect as natural enemies were collected. The predation ratio of mites varied according to region: that is 0.77 to $18.6\%$ in Bia Orchard; $7.88-48.7\%$ in Noan Orchard and almost none in Youngsanoo Orchard. 8. The varietal difference in fruit damage by this insect was in the order of Choseng Chuck, Kooksoo, followed by Sin Ko, Mansamkil, Keumchon Choo, and Changsimrang.
