네 마리의 물도마뱀(Varanus salvator)에 있어서 확역성간괴사(擴域性肝壞死)를 동반한 궤양성직장염(潰瘍性直腸炎)

Ulcerative Proctitis Accompanying Massive Hepatic Necrosis in Four Water Monitors (Varanus salvator)

  • 발행 : 1974.05.31


Four water monitors at Zoological Garden, Chang Gyeong Won, Seoul, died within a week after signs of anorexia, lethargy, and discharge from eyes, nasal and oral cavities. The autopsy findings of the four animals were similar. As a main lesion, the liver was congested and diffuse necrosis was observed. The terminal portions of the rectum were studded with numerous small ulcers causing rectal stenosis. Histopathologically, massive hepatic necrosis preceded by fatty changes were evident. The rectal lesions manifested coagulative necrosis and thrombosis in the mucosa and submucosa.
