A mechanistic possibility for the initiation of the thermal polymerization reactions are envisaged theoretically. As result of the considerations, it is assumed that the thermal polymerization reactions take place via the pseudo molecular complex which has been supposed to be an intermediate in the transition state of Diels-Alder reactions.
多數의 熱共重合 反應組들에 對하여 pseudo molecular complex 形成이 可能한가를 理論的으로 調査하였던바 例外없이 pseudo molecular complex 形成이 가능하였다. 卽, pseudo molecular complex 形成이 共重合反應組들의 共通性임을 발견하였다. 그래서 熱共重合反應은 pseudo molecular complex를 경유하여 反應이 進行하는 하나의 可能한 開始機構를 提案하였다.