Acid mucopolysaccharides were isolated from nucleus pulposus of whale embryo. The separation of acid mucopolysaccharides was most excellent in $0.03{\%}$ hexamine cobaltic chloride in 0.05 M-sodium acetate buffer solution at pH 4.8. Changes in electrophoretic mobility of acid mucopolysaccharides were observed when the sample solution on top of spacer gel were covered with $40{\%}$ sucrose solution. This effect was not observed by the addition of hexamine cobaltic chloride to the buffer solution.
酸性 mucopolysaccharide는 鯨胎兒의 nucleus pulposus에서 分離하였다. Gel electophoresis에 있어서 酸性 mucopolysaccharide의 分離는 $0.03{\%}$의 hexamine cobaltic chloride 를 含有하는 0.05M 醋酸소-다 緩衝溶液(pH4.8)中에서 가장 좋았다. Spacer gel 上의 mucopolysaccharide 溶液을 $40{\%}$ sucrose 溶液으로 덮었을 때 mucopolysaccharide의 移動度에 變化가 나타나는 것을 觀察하였으며 이 효과는 醋酸소-다 緩衝溶液에 hexamine cobaltic chloride 을 加하면 消失하는 것을 觀察하였다.