연희 영세지역 주민의 먹는 피임약 복용상태에 관한 조사연구

A Study of the Use of Oral Contraceptive Among Women Rescinding in the Yonhee Dong Blum Area

  • 최인숙 (연세대학교 대학원 보건과)
  • 발행 : 1974.05.01


This study is an attempt to evaluate the use of an oral contraceptive by: 1. Deforming the acceptance rate of the oral contraceptive according to socio-demographic characteristics 5. Estimating the duration of the use of the contraceptive f. Discovering reasons why the contraceptive was discontinued 4. Computing the cumulative continuation and discontinuation rate according to socio-demographic characteristics, history of pregnancies, and attitude of husband at the time of selection of the contraceptive. One hundred sixty-eight women of child bearing age (14-49 years), residing in Yonhee Dong, Seoul, Korea and registered as oral contraceptive accepters at Yonsei Community Health Center, were interviewed during a three week period in 1973. The questionnaire was designed to determine the socio-demographic characteristics of the oral contraceptive accepters, the current status of their family planning practice, medical reactions if any, discontinuation practice, and the duration of the use of the contraceptive. The major findings of the study were as follows; 1. The acceptance rate was highest for women between 30 and 34 years of age, the mean age being 34.4 years. 2. Fifty six point five percent of all respondents said that thirty years of age was the ideal age to stop having children. 3. The average number of living children was 3.5 and fifty four point eight percent of respondents felt 2 boys and I girl was the ideal number of children. 4. The average number of pregnancies was 5.2 and the average number of induced abortion was I. 4. 5. Fifty eight point eight percent of the respondents had experience in the use of contraceptive methods in the past. 6. Forty one point seven percent of the respondents replied that they chose the oral contraceptive because, "it was not complicated to use." 7. Sixty four point eight percent of the women said their husband approved of their taking the pill. 8. The cumulative discontinuation rate was sixty point five percent of the total respondents for one year in first segment. 9. Sixty six point nine percent of the respondents had experienced side-effect while using the pill. The side effects for 68.9 percent of these women were castro-intestinal upsets. Twenty point eight percent of the women who had side effects consulted with medical personnel about them. Women who had more education had more side effects. 10. Seventy three point two percent of the women who discontinued the pill did so because of medical reasons. Women who were younger discontinued the pill for personal reasons more-often than older women. Among personal reasons listed for discontinuing the pill was the attitude of the husband. 11. The average duration of continuance of the contraceptive was 5.3 cycles under 29 years of age; 7.4 cycles between 30 and 34 years of age; and 8.4 cycles over 40 years of age. 12. The discontinuation rate was seem to increase sharply in the early cycle and increase more slowly in later cycle. Conclusions and suggestions: Since the attitude of the husband was shown to be important, the current family planning program should be expended to include approach to husband. For women who must use the oral contraceptive, education and support must be enhanced so that the discontinuation rate due to side effects will be decreased.
