The Vertical Distribution and Diurnal Migration of Cladocera, Evadne Nordmanii Loven at Different Stations in the Irish Sea.

  • Published : 1974.12.01


The vertical distribution and diurnal migration of Evadne nordmanii has been studied at different stations in the Irish Sea. There are many reports that the migrations of planktonic animals tend to be hampered by thermoclines and haloclines. Physical and chemical factors were compared with vertical distribution and diurnal migrations of the animal. Evadne must be essentially an epiplanktonic form with the ability to endure strong light intensity. The animals generally migrated to the very surface layer from their shallow day strata with the decreased of light intensity. During the night their distribution seems rather random or even throughout all the layers, with a tendency to concentrate at the bottom layers, when the water was homogeneous physically and chemically. E. nordmanii may penetrate minor thermoclines and haloclines, but they may avoid chemically distinct waters or possibly currents.
