Studies on the Serological Classification for Korean aspergilli

한국산 Aspergilli의 혈청학적 분류방법

  • 문희주 (서울보건전문학교 임상병리과) ;
  • 이배함 (건국대학교 응용미생물연구소)
  • Published : 1974.12.01


Of the Asp. spp. isolated by the Institute of Applied Microbiology, Kon-Kuk University, 7 strains were selected for the study of the immunological differencences among them using gel precipitation test. The strains were the following types : 1 type of flavus and 2 types of oryzae were isolated from Meju ; 1 type of flavus from Nuruk ; and each one type of flavus, parasiticus and oryzae from Kokja.Asp.flavus from ATCC, Asp. parasiticus nad Asp. niger NRRL strains were also used in the study as a standard. From this study, several points can be raised ; 1) There was no common antigenic property between Asp. niger and Asp. flavus, because of no formation of reaction line. Therefore, all strains could be easily distinguished. 2) There was common antigenic property, that is, the formation of reaction line between Asp. flavus and Asp. parasticus. Accordingly two strains could not be easily distinguished by the gel precipitation test. 3) Each type of oryzae, parasiticus and flavus of Asp. flavus group had common antigen one another as well as specific antigens only in the difference of the reaction lines, so they could be easily identified in the gel precipitation test. 4) Each isolated strain from Meju and Nuruk appeared to be identical. 5) It was shown that the gel precipitation test of serological methods was very useful for the classification of Asp. spp.
