Alkaline Phosphatase Activity in the Developing Pronephros and Mesonephros of the Frog Bombina orientalis

발생중의 무당개구리 前賢 및 中賢의 Alkaline Phosphatase활성

  • Published : 1974.12.01


The cobalt capture method of Gomori's modified technique(Gomori, 1952) was employed to study the histochemistry of the developing frog kidney. Alkaline phosphatase activity was observed in association with the brush borders of pronephros and mesonephros. By the stage of transition from larva to tadpole alkaline phosphatase activity was gradually increased in the brush border of pronephros, and as the pronephros begun to degenerate the enzyme activity was decreased and disappeared. By the time of maximum development of the pronephros the mesonephros began to develop and alkaline phosphatase activity of the mesonephric tubules showed highly positive throughout the stage of metamorphosis. No activity was observed in association with the collecting tubules and ductal elements.

발생중의 무당개구리에서의 전신 및 중신 alkaline phosphatase 활성을 Gomori 변법을 써서 관찰하였다. 전신 분비세관의 분화와 함께 세관 刷子綠에 출현한 alkaline phosphataseghkf성은  蓋완성기에 최고도에 달하였다가 제3후지 형성기에 전신의 퇴화와 함께 효소활성은 감소 소실되었다.  蓋완성기에 출현한 중신세관에서의 alkaline phosphatase 활성은 변태기를 통하여 강한 양성반응을 보였다.
