성형직후 증발작용을 받은 콘크리트의 강도에 대한 연구

A Study on Compressive Strength of Concrete Exposed to Evaporation Immediately After Casting

  • 발행 : 1974.12.01


The objective of this study was to investigate the characteristics of the evaporation rate, the plastic shrinkage and the compressive strength of concrete exposed to a rapid evaporation environment immediately after casting. Drying of concrete were conducted under a controlled chamber in which the temperature was mainfoimed at 30 ${\pm}$1$^{\circ}C$, the relative humidity 22 ${\pm}$1 percent, and the wind velocity 7 ${\pm}$1 m/sec. The compressive strength of concrete was tested after 28 days of standard curing. The results obtained are as follows: 1. The evaporation rate was the highest at the very beginning, was decreased as the drying progresses, and was kept almost constant after 6 hours. 2. The shrinkage of concrete was changed in three different rates for the concrete mixture having its slump vallue between 3.0cm and 7.5cm. 3. The plastic shrinkage was ended within 5 or 6 hours after casting, regardless of the water cement ratio. 4. The shrinkage was increased within the limit of slump values between 3.0cm and 7.5cm as the water-cement ratio was increased. 5. The evaporation was kept on even after the plastic shrinkage was ended. 6. Within the limit of good workability (slump value between 4.5cm and 7.5cm), the compressive strength of concrete was increased when the shrinkage rate was slow but it was decreased when the rate was rapid 7. From the result of this study it is recommended that (1) the water-cement ratio should be less as long as the workability of concrete is allowable; (2) the evaporation should be prevented at least for 4 hours after casting concrete.
