갈색엽고병의 인공접종법에 관한 연구

Mass Inoculation Technique of Fusarium Disease in Rice

  • 발행 : 1973.04.01


갈색엽고병(Fusarium niwate)의 효과적인 접종방법을 찾아내기 위해 본 시험을 수행하였던 바 다음과 같은 결과를 얻었다. 1) 본 균의 분생포자의 증류수 현탁액을 벼 유묘에 분무접종할 때, 접종 후 습실에 1일 보존했을 경우에는 거의 발병이 되지 않았으나 2일간 보존한 겅우에는 어느 정도 병반이 나타났다. 2) 벼 유묘에 바람이나 또는 나무막대기로 물리적인 상처를 입힌 다음 증류수 포자현탁액을 분무한 결과 상당한 병만이 형성되었다. 3) 포자현탁액에 벼 잎 추출액, glucose, polypeptone, yeast exract 등의 $1\%$ 용액을 첨가 분무접종했을 때 병반형성이 양호하였다. 4) 포자발아상태는 종류수중에서는 불량하였으나 영양분을 첨가한 용액중에서는 발아력도 좋았고 균사의 융합도 양호하게 일어났다. 5) 본 접종시험의 결과 통일품종은 재래 장려품종인 풍광에 비해 본 병에 대해 약했다.

In an effort to find effective inoculation method of Fusarium nivale, this experiment was conducted. The results obtained are summarized as follows: (1) Distilled water-spore suspension of this fungus was inoculated on rice seedling and the result showed that negligible disease symptoms were observed when the inoculated plants were placed in a moist chamber for one day, whereas considerable symptoms were indicated when kept for two days. (2) After giving physical wounds by wind or wooden stick to the rice seedling, distilled water-spore suspenion was sprayed on them and considerable diseased spots were formed. (3) Sufficient disease occurrence was due to the addition of $1\%$ rice leaf extract, glucose, polypeptone, and yeast extract solution to the spore suspension. (4) In distilled water, spore germination was poor, while in nutrient added solution good germination rate as well as anastomosis was found. (5) A new rice variety Tong-il turned out to be more susceptible to Fusarium nivale than Pung-kwang.
