대한해협의 부유성 모악류의 수직분포와 수괴 유동

The Distribution of Chaetognaths in the Korea Strait and Their Relation to the Character of Water Masses

  • 발행 : 1973.06.01


1972년 6,8 및 10월에 대한 해협의 5개 정점에서 주야 층별 채집을 실시하여 층별 분포 조성과 수괴지표성의 해양학적 고찰을 하였다. 1. 부유생물의 양은 0.9-8.5cc/10㎥ 이며 층별 분포량은 상층이 하층보다 많고, 밤과 낮에 있어서는 밤은 상층이 많으나 낮은 하층이 많은 경향을 나타내었다. 2. 출현한 모악규는 3속 19종 1형이며 분포량과 종류수는 상층이 하층보다 많은 편이고, 밤은 상층이 많으나, 낮은 일정치 않으나 밤과의 반대 경향이었다. 양이 가장 풍부한 8월에는 수직적인 큰 차이를 볼 수 없을만큼 저층까지 많이 출현하였다. 3. 8월에 있어서 Sagitta enflata, S. serratodentata 및 S. mimima 특히 S. regularis의 저층의 대량 분포는 해양학적 고찰에서 난류의 침강을 가리키고 있다. 4. 한해성인 S. elegans의 분포층은 저층에 한하고 부산-대마도간까지 출현하며, 한편 St.5에서는 Metridia lucens 와 Pseudocalanus minutus가 출현하여 저층 냉수의 용승 수직, 수평적인 유동범위를 실증하는데 더욱 뒷받침 하였다. 5. S. decipiens는 대한 해협에서 저, 중층수의 유동 및 연안의 용승 현상을 판정하는 지표종임을 밝혔다.

Based on the plankton samples collected in the Korea Strait in 1972, a study was conducted on the vertical distribution of chaetognaths in relation to water masses in th Strait. The settling volume of total plankton collected in the Strait ranged from 0.3 to 5 cc/10㎥ and showed a distinctive variation in the vertical distribution between day and night. The large amount of volume was found in the upper layer at night and deeper layer during the day time collections. A total of 19 species and one forma of chaetognaths were identified from the present samples. In general, the number of species and individuals of chaetognaths were abundant in the upper layer. But in August they were distributed almost evenly from the surface to the bottom layer. Particularly several species of warm water chaetognaths, i. e., Sagitta enflata and S. regularis appeared abundantly in the deeper layer in summer. This indicates a sinking phenomenon of warm water from the surface to the bottom layer. As for the vertical distribution of S.elegans, a cold water species, in the Korean Strait, it is restricted only to the bottom layer except in the region of upwelling where they appear in the middle layer. This species is usually distributed in the depth of below 150m in the southern part of Japan Sea(Park, 1970), and it is usually distributed as far south as the Strait between Busan and Tsushima. In addtion, cold water species of copepods such as Pseudocalanus minutus and Metridialucens appear in the western side of Thushima. As indicated by the vertical and horizontal distribution of S. elegans in the Strait, the cold water flows as an undercurrent along the bottom from the southern part of the Japan Sea to the Korea Strait between Busan and Thushima in summer and fall, with a trend of uprising along the coast of Korea. S. decipiens has been found only in the depth of below 50m except in the coastal area where they appear in the upper layer. Therefore the vertical distribution of this species can be used for tracing the occurrence of upwelling and the movement of water from the middle layer.
