統計職業敎育에 관한 調査硏究

  • 백운붕 (고려대학교 통계학과) ;
  • 장인식 (고려대학교 통계학과)
  • Paik, U.B. (Statistics, Korea University) ;
  • Jhang, I.S. (Statistics, Korea University)
  • 발행 : 1973.03.01


In Korea, the statistical system is very weak because it is not functional. Knowledge of statistical theory remains iosolated from applications: routine tasks of collection or processing of data are continued often without utilization, and programms are started in a superficial imitation of other without any purpose. It is essential, in Korea, to make statistics purposive. The only way is to give training statistics-fully developed technology of a multi-discipline character in applied statistics. The purpose of this study is primarily to survey the necessity of, or desire for, statistical tarining for the statistical personnel of the government agencies or bank offices in Seoul, Korea and discuss an adequate method of vacational training in statistics. This survey can be summarized as follows : (1) about 94 percent of the sampled people (478) do not consider their present statistical background adequately trained and 128 persons out of 478 request a graduate level training in respective fields. (2) The statistical fields on job in the sample are : Economic statistics : 138, Sampling survey : 228, management statistics : 50, other fields : 62. (3) Educational background are * College graduate : 369 (male 347, female 22) Economics 99, Business administration 99, Law 71, Mathematics and statistics 24, Others 76 * High school graduate : 109 (male 43, female 66)
