기후요소에 의한 증발량 연구

On Lake Evaporation from Climatological Data in Korea

  • 조희구 (정회원·연세대학교 이공대 천문기상학과-1973. 3. 28. 수리-)
  • 발행 : 1973.06.01


A simple regression formula for estimating the lake evaporation rate from the copper-plated pan (diameter 20cm, height 10cm) is derived. A comparison with other formulae indicates that the formula is more accurate than others. An annual map of man evaporation in Korean peninsula has been prepared using the relation. It demonstrates the areal average distribution of mean annual evaporation from a free water surface with no heat storage effect and avected energy owing to differences in the temperature of in-and outflow. The mean annual ratio of the lake to the copper-plated pan evaporation is found to be 0.64. The ratio varies with local conditions from 0.62 to 0.66, and hence it can be considered fairly uniform. However the seasonal variation of the ratio appears to be rather significant. It changes from the lowest of 0.61 to the highest of 0.75.
