급성실혈시의 회장운동과 흡수기능

Motility and Absorptive Capacity of the Ileum in Acute Hemorrhage

  • 황정운 (서울대학교 의과대학 생리학교실)
  • Hwang, Jeong-Woon (Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Seoul National University)
  • 발행 : 1973.12.01


The influences of the acute hemorrhage on the intestinal functions were studied in the rabbits subjected to acute bleeding, amounting 1.5-2% of the body weight. The motility and the absorptive capacity of the ileum were compared before and after the bleeding. Transfusion of shed blood was also performed in order to see whether the deteriorations were reversible or not. The tension developed in the direction of the longitudinal axis of the ileum was recorded through an appropriate transducer, and the frequency of the rhythmic contraction was counted throughout the procedure. Test solution, 10ml in amount, was placed in the loop of the ileum, and the samples were drawn at zero time and at 20 minutes. Triplicated procedures were repeated on the same loop;namely, before and after bleeding and after transfusion. The test solution was composed of 200 mg% urea, 218 mEq/l of NaCl and 150 mg% of polyethylene glycol (PEG) No. 4,000 in distilled water. The latter substance was used as a marker substance for the volume change of the loop. The results obtained were as follows; 1. The motility of the ileum suffered little effects by acute hemorrhage. However, minor fluctuations were seen in the frequency of the rhythm, showing a slight tendency of decreasing rhythmicity, and it was reversed by transfusion. 2. Diminution of absorptive capacity of urea was noticed in acute hemorrhage and it was interpreted as the consequence of the secondary effect of the retardation of the active transport mechanism governing the sodium transport 3. Absorption rate of the sodium ion was dropped in the hemorrhage, suggesting the indispensable need of the blood supply. 4. Osmolarity of the luminal fluid remained higher in the case of acute hemorrhage. 5. There was a tendency of retaining more fluid in the intestinal lumen in acute hemorrhage, comparing with that observed prior to the bleeding. 6. The deteriorations in the absorptive capacity were restored by transfusion of shed blood.
