저항성품종인 '관옥'의 도열병 격발원인

Epidemic Outbreak of Blast Disease in the Resistant Variety of Rice, 'Kwanok'

  • Lee E. C. (Institute of Plant Environment, Office of Rural Development)
  • 발행 : 1972.05.01


1) 수도 도열병에 저항성이었던 관옥 품종이 1969년에 와서 저항성이 역전된 원인을 분석하였다. 2) 경기도지방 16개 지역의 이병된 관옥품종에서 분리한 균주는 15개의 C계통 레이스와 1개의 N계통 레이스로 판정되었다. C계통 레이스 중에는 C-8이 9균주, C-7과 C-1이 각각 2균주, 그 나머지는 C-1과 유사한 것이 1균주이고 C-5와 유사한 것이 1균주였다. 3) 도열병에 대하여 고도로 저항성이었던 관옥품종은 중국계통의 벼를 침해 한 수 있는 C레이스의 만연에 기인되었다고 결론지을 수 있다.

1. In order to investigate the epidemic outbreak of rice blast disease on the resistant variety Kwankon in 1969, this investigation was undertaken as a basis for breeding resistant varieties. 2. The 16 isolates collected from Kyunggi area were inoculated at the 3-4 leaf stage on 12 Japanese differential varieties used for identifying races under greenhouse conditions. Out of 16 isolates 15 were identified as C race group and one as N race group. Of the 15 rates, nine were C-8, two were C-7 and two were C-1. Of the remaining two isolates, one was similar to C-1, and the other was similar to C-5. 3. It is concluded that the epidemic in the resistant variety 'Kwanok' was due to the occurrence of the C race group, which can infect the Chinese type varieties.
