Studies on the Fruiting Phase of Rape Under the Different Cultural Conditions

  • Kae, B.M. (Mokpo Branch Station, Crop Experiment Station)
  • 발행 : 1972.12.01


The fruiting phase of rape under transplanting and direct-sowing conditions has been studied at Mokpo during the 2 years period from 1970 to 1971. Two varieties, Yudal and Miyuki were used in this study. The planting space and sowing time were also incorporated into this study. The results could be summarized as follows: 1. The plant tape of rape was nearly umbrella-shaped of all, but has changed to the laid elliptical-shaped, broadly ovate and spindle-shaped under different varieties and cultural conditions in the plant diagram(Fig. 2). 2. The length of the primary branches for each nodes had a tendency to the symmetric apical curve with the apex at the upper 10-12th node in the transplanting. but to the upper bias apical curve with the apex at the upper 5-7th node in the dense-sowing(Fig.3). 3. The ear of main stem was longer, more pods, heavier 1, 000 grains and more grain yield than ear of primary branches of all, Especially, as for that, the rate of yield constitution per plant in the direct-sowing was higher than in the transplanting(Fig. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9). 4. The ear-length of the primary branches for each nodes had a tendency to the relatively slowly apical curve with the apex at the upper 3-4th node in the transplanting, but to the lower bias apical curve with the apex at the upper 2nd node in the dense-sowing. Especially, the possibility of growth at the lower ears was few in the early variety (Fig. 4). 5. The number of pod per ear on the primary branches for each nodes had a .tendency to the curve of ear-length with the apex at the upper 5-8thnode in the transplanting and at the upper 4-5th node in the dense-sowing (Fig. 5). Accordingly, a high positive correlation was found between the ear-length and number of pod per ear (Table 2) 6. In the transplanting, the high rate of effective ear was from the upper nods to the 12th node, but below the 16-17th nodes was ineffective. However, in the early dense-sowing the high rate of effective was to the 7th node. but below the 10th nodes was. ineffective. Especially, in the early variety has difficult to secure of poi-numbers for ineffective of the lower nodes(Fig. 6.). 7. The density of pod setting of the ear of main stem was the longest of all ears, and the lower nods were, the shorter it became. That had a tendency to the evidently apical growth. However. in the early variety, it was lengthened according to growth of ear-length(Fig.7). 8. The pod-length of the medium nodes was longer than the upper and lower, and the possitive correlation between pod-length and number of grain per poi was very high(Table 2.). 9. In the grain yield per node of primary branches, the most yielding node of transplanting was the upper 9th node, of dense-sowing 4-5th node(Fig 8.), and the possitive correlation between grain yield per node and ear-length or number of pod per ear was very high(Table 2). 10. The grain yield of ear of main stem was higher than that of primary branches in the percentage of dependence for grain yield per plant. The limint node of 50% of dependence to cumulative grain yield per plant was the upper 7-8th node in tranplanting, in the early dense-sowing 4-5th node, and in tke late dense-sowing-3th node(Fig. 9). 11. In the weight of 1, 000 grains the lower nodes were, the lighter it becames in dense-sowing. Therefore, this was also lighter than in the transplanting to the (Fig. 10.). 12. The oil content of grain at the medium nodes was low in the early variety, but at the ear of main stem and upper 1st node it was extremely high(Fig. 11.).
