Physico-Chemical Identification of Botanical Drugs

생약(한약재(漢藥材))의 규격제정 연구 -TLC를 이용한 정성적 검출법-

  • Chi, Hyung-Joon (Natural Products Research Institute, Seoul National University) ;
  • Won, Do-Hi (Drug Department, National Institute of Health)
  • Published : 1972.12.15


A new physico-chemical method for identifying botanical drugs was investigated. Fifty drugs were chosen from the presently exported botanical drugs and were classified into 12 groups chemotaxonomically. Various extract(either, 50% ethanol and water) of each group were developed with same solvent system by using chromatographic method(TLC) and observed a characteristic pattern of each drugs. This method, therefore, can be applicable to identify each botanical drug out of the combined phyto-preparations.
