웅성불임을 이용한 이화명충 방제에 관한 연구 1. 이화명충의 방사선 감수성에 관한 연구

Studies on the Rice Stem Borer Control Using Sterile-Male Technique 1. On the Radiosensitivity of Rice Stem Bore. (Chilo suppressalis Walker)

  • Chung K. H. (Radiation Research Institute in Agriculture) ;
  • Ryu J. (Radiation Research Institute in Agriculture)
  • 발행 : 1971.10.01


이화명충의 유충, 번데기, 성충에 $Co^{60}$ gamma ray를 조사하여 웅성불임기술에 관한 자료를 얻기위한 실험결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 번데기의 성비는 암컷 2,903에 대해 숫컷은 2,924이었다. 2) 번데기의 $(LD_{50})$은 암컷이 26KR, 숫컷이 26.7KR이었다. 3) 처리한 숫컷성충과 교미한 암컷의 평균 산란수는 고선량일수록 감소하며 난괴수는 증가하였다. 4) 숫컷의 $(SD_{90})$은 23KR이었으며 30KR 이상에서는 거이 불임이 유기되었다. 5) 웅성불임을 유기 시키기 위하여 방사선을 조사시키는 시기는 번데기 시기가(3-6일령) 가장 적합하다고 본다

This experiment was carried out to obtain basic informations on the development in sterile-male technique of rice stem borer. The species considered is Chile suppressalis Walker. Different developmental stages of the insect namely; larval, pupae and adult were irradiated with $Co^{60}$ gamma ray. The results obtained were as follows: 1) A 1:1 sex ratio in the pupal stage was observed. 2) In the pupal stage sub-lethal dosages$(LD_{50})$ were 26 KR and 26.7 KR for female and male, respectively. 3) The total number of egg masses per female increased with the increasing gamma ray dosages and average number of eggs produced per female decreased in the cross between normal female and irradiated male. 4) The sterile dosage $(SD_{90})$ of the gamma ray irradiation showed 23 KR in the male. 5) The pupal stage is most convenient developmental stage for irradiation.
