벼 흰빛잎마름병균의 생리적 성상에 관한 시험

Studies on the Physiological Characteristics of Bacterial Leaf Blight Pathogen of rice, Xanthomonas oryzae Dowson

  • 최용철 (농촌진흥청 병리연구담당관실) ;
  • 이경휘 (농촌진흥청 병리연구담당관실) ;
  • 조의규 (농촌진흥청 병리연구담당관실)
  • Choi Yong Chul (Institute of Plant Environment, Office of Rural Development) ;
  • Lee Kyung Whee (Institute of Plant Environment, Office of Rural Development) ;
  • Cho Eui Kyoo (Institute of Plant Environment, Office of Rural Development)
  • 발행 : 1971.10.01


벼 흰빛잎마름병의 병원균의 생리적 성질을 구명하고자 시험한 곁과는 다음과 같았다. 1, 공시균주로는 본 병리 연구 담당관실 보존균주 및 일본, 비율빈에서 분양받은 균주와 최근 IR 계통품종과 이병성 품종에서 채집 분리된 10균주를 공시하였다. 2. 탄소원의 분해 및 산도변화에서는 Glucose, Galactose는 모든 균주가 이용하였고 Esculin, Mannitol, Raffinose Salicin, Saccharose는 몇몇균주가 이용했으며 lactose, Starch, Dextrin은 이용하지 못하였다. 3. 시험에 사용된 공시균주는 유화수소 및 암모니아를 생성하였으며 methylene blue 환원시험에서는 환인이 일어났으며 인돌생성은 하지 않았고 젤라틴은 서서히 액화시켰지만 균중간에는 액화정토가 서로 차이가 났으며 우유의 소화 및 응결은 없었으며 리트머스 우유를 청변시켰다.

1. The experiment was conducted to investigate the physiological characteristics on ten isolates of bacterial leaf blight pathogen of rice, Xanthomenas eryzae Dowson. Seven out of tin isolates were isolated from infected leaves of various rice varieties including IR strains in Korea. Isolates S-20 and S-103 were originated from IRRI in Philippines, and isolate H-5809 was allocated by National Institute of Agricultural Science in Japan. 2. All isolates Produced hydrogen sulfide and ammonia 9as from peptone sol. media, and reduced methylen blue, Gelatin liquefaction occurred by all isolates tested, although each isolate showed different degree of liquefaction No coagulation of the casein in milk by the isolates was observed, though some amount of acid production occurred in litmus milk by ail isolates tested. 3. All isolates utilized glucose and galactose, and slight utilization of esculin, mannitol, raffinose, salicin and saccharose was observed. Lactose, starch and dextrin, however, were not utilized at all by all isolates tested in the study.
