Physiographical, Geological, and Hydraulic Classification of Ground Water Occurrence in the Unconsolidated Formation, with Respect to the Economical Evaluation, in South Korea

우리나라 지하수(地下水) 부존상태(賦存狀態)의 지형학적(地形學的), 지리학적(地理學的) 유형분류(類型分類)

  • 정봉일 (서울대학교 문리과학대)
  • Published : 1971.03.31


Economical evaluation of an aquifer in an unconsolidated formation is based on the physiography, geology and hydraulics in it's loci. Since each foundation is controlled by the combination of several factors, these factors in each foundation will be explained in regard to their function, contributing to the yield of ground water from aquifers.
