Study on Institutionalized Mentally Retarded Children in Korea(Particularly Regarding Their Accommodation and Education Facilities)

한국 정신박약아의 실태 조사 연구(교육기관 및 시설을 중심으로)

  • 김초강 (서울대학교 보건대학원 모자보건학)
  • Published : 1971.11.01


As the result of a survey conducted by the author on the status of tile 12 educational institutions for mentally retarded children in Korea and their quartering facilities as well as on 934 children accommodated in such institutions, the following conclusion has been reached: 1) More than a half (approximately 58 percent) of the facilities for mentally retarded children are concentrated in Seoul. About eighty-three percent of these facilities are private establishments, of which 70 percent have their proprietors concurrently as their superintendents. Although these facilities were first established as many as 22 years ago, it has been only five or six years since education was actually started for mentally restarted children. 2) Out of a total of 179 employes, teachers number 99, there by constituting approximately 57.6 percent. Out of them, however, only 32 teachers or 2.8 percent have special teachers licenses. Thus, each teachers has to take care of an average of 29 children. This is excessive a number of children per teachers in view of the special nature of this education, there by indication how urgent it would be to secure more teachers lot this field. 3) Out of the mantally retarded children investigated 57.6 percent suffer from physical disorder in addition to mental retardation, 53.0 percent from mental alienation illnesses besides retardation, and 25 pent from physical, mental disorders in addition to retardation. It is therefore necessary to maintain medical and nursing facilities together with educational facilities. however, two places have no medical facilities at all, and four other places, without medical personnel, have to receive medical support from nearby hospitals or clinics. 4) The total number of children in the surveyed facilities is 934, who can be broken down into 58.7 percent boys and 41.3 percent for girls. They are classified into 12.5 percent for idiot, 37.7 percent for imbeciles, 32.7 percent for morons, and 17.3 percent for thoes children on borderline. Their average age is 13.9 years. 5) As the result of education, the illiteracy rate of mentally retarded children has decreased from 78.1 percent to 32.1 percent while the percentage of those taking the primary school course has increased for 12.2 per cent to 33.5 percent. As a result, it has been learned that education is definitely necessary for Retarded children though it may be a difficult task. 6) The children who have mentally retarded children among their brothers or sisters constitute 6.3 percent of the total number. The corresponding rate for boys is 3.5 percent while that for girls is a remarkably higher rate 10.6 percent. Through studies on the causes of their mental retardation, it has been learned that 39.6 percent of them is of the inherent type and 35.3 percent is of the environmental type. Control and improvement of health of mothers and children, early diagnosis and early treatment are believed to be very important because they could prevent or alleviant much of these conditions. 7) The storage age of teachers and employes is 35.3 years, an indication that a great proportion of them is experienced in a way or another as their major difficulty or problems in serving with these special school, 22.5 percent cited inadequate payment 24.5 gave the inadequate public understanding, and 22.5 percent pointed out the lack of understanding on the part of give parents.
