월남국 고콩지구 수리 개발 기본 조사

The Engineering Services on the Go Cong Water Control Project in Vietnam

  • 발행 : 1971.12.01


Go Cong Water Control Project was conducted on its preliminary survey and design by Agricultural development Corporation for the Korean Government, an Executing Agency, and Directorate of Irrigation and Rural Engineering of the Ministry of Land Reform, Agriculture and Fishery Development for the Vietnamese Government, a cooperation Agency, under Korean and Vietnamese Economic and Technical Cooperation Program. The main purposes of the project are aimed at the improvements of irrigation and drainage, and salt water prevention of the Go Cong area located at northern part of the Mekong Delta. All the works from field survey through design to preparing reports were carried out by ADC alone and recently Korean Government submitted the relevant reports to vietnamese Government through official channel. The contents of the project are summarized as following: 1. The project comprises irrigation, drainage and salt water prevention facilities on the benefited area of about 55,000 hectares, covering Go Cong and Dinh Tuong(My Tho) Provinces and it will be possible to cultivate rice cropping twice a year, irrigating all the area in the dry season; 2. With completion of this project, annual production of rough rice and vegetables are anticipated to increase by 222,600 .T. and 142,600 M.T. respectively and the internal rateof return stants at 26 per cent, applying for the exchange rate of US $ 1 to VN $ 275. 3. Total investments required for the project are estimated at US $ 56,394,000 of which actual construction cost is estimated at US $ 39,183,000. The project has planned to be d to be developed by four stages, taking bout 7 years. 4. The project needs for three places of pumping plants. 57Km of feed and main irrigation canals, 81Km of drainage channels, 97Km of dike, 23 places of sluices and navigation locks, etc.
