신품종 통일 벼(IR667)의 용수량측정시험

Experiment for the duty of Water in paddy fields of New Variety Tongil (IR667)

  • 발행 : 1971.12.01


기적의 법씨라 불리우는 통일(統一)(IR 667)의 출현(出現)으로 답용수량산출(畓用水量算出)에 변동(變動)이 생기지 않을까하여 본시험(本試驗)을 실시하였던바 다음과같은 사실(事實)을 알게되었다. (1) 엽수면증발량(葉水面蒸發量)과 증발계증발량(蒸發計蒸發量)의 비(比)는 식양토(埴壤土) ET/V=1.84, 양토(壤土) ET/V=2.00로 지금까지의 어느 품종(品種)보다 그 값이 컷다. (2) 생육기별(生育期別) ET/V를 볼 때 분약후기(分藥后期)와 유수형성기(幼穗形成期)에 $3.30{\sim}3.77$로 그 값이 커진다. (3) 증산비(蒸散比)는 식양토(埴壤土) 260.4, 양토(壤土) 275.0으로 모두 300이하(以下)이었다.

This experiment is conducted to see the alteration in calculation of amount of duty of water in paddy fields, by the miraculous rice TONG-IL(IR667) made its appearance to us, therefore results obtained were summarized as follow. 1. In comparison with depth of evapo-transpiration and evaporation in the evaporator, the ratio is ET/V=1.84 in clay loam and ET/V=2.00 in loam, the value is larger than any vairety. 2. Comparison by growing periods of rice plants growing period 5 and Ear for mation stage (primor stage) 6 ET/V value grow larger from 3.30 to 3.77. 3. Transpiration ratio is 260.4 in clay loam and 275.0 in loam, two value are less than 300.
