This paper attempts to observe the histological structure of Korean Arisaema ringens $S_{CHOTT}{'s}$ rhizome, to identify it's constituent and to investigate the pharmacological action with it's alcohol extract. The results are : 1) The inner structure of rhizome on the transverse section is divided into external and internal tissues by the ring of intercellular secretary sac. Raphides of calcium oxalate contained in mucilage cell, collateral vascular bundle, are extremely similar to those contained in Pinellia ternata. 2) The organs of the pistillate Arisaema ringens are larger and more plentiful than those of the staminate Arisaema ringens. The sexual identification is easy in the flowering season. 3) The alkaloid is identified by Meyer reagent as white p.p.t. at pH 2 of sulfuric acid. 4) The saponin is indentified remarkably by means of foaming reaction, Lieberman-Burchard reaction and hemolytic reaction. 5) The effect of alcohol extract on the relaxation of the isolated intestine of the rabbit is remarkably shown at the concentration of $10^{-3}g/ml$. 6) The effect of alcohol extract on the isolated ractus muscle of the frog increases the constructive action of acetylcholine at the concentration of $10^{-3}g/ml$. 7) The effect of alcohol extract on the isolated heart movement of the frog is decreased remarkably at the concentration of $10^{-3}g/ml$. 8) The effect of alcohol extract on the blood pressure of the rabbit is decreased by an interavenous injection of $10^{-3}g/kg$.