1. 담배 야화병은 비교적 기온과 습도가 낮은 $(18-20^{\circ}C,\; 65-75\%)$, 6월 상순부터 중순에 걸쳐 발생하기 시작했으며 기온과 습도가 점차 높아지는 $(22-26^{\circ}C,\;65-68\%)$ 6월 하순에서 7월 상순 사이에 더욱 빠른속도로 발달했고 7월 중순 이후 8월에 걸친 계절적인 폭풍우가 답배의 잎에 기계적 상해를 줌으로써 야화병의 감염을은 최대로 증가됨을 볼 수 있었다. 2. 약제처리로서는 히도마이신 300-350 배액을 발병기에 2-3회 살포한 것이 가장 효과적이어서 결과적으로 감염율을 $28.3\%$까지 감소시켰다. 3. 크로르피크린에 의한 이식전 토양 처리 (10l/10a)는 기타 병해의 방제를 겸해서 본 병의 피해를 월등히 감소시켰으며 본 포에서의 e담배 생육 상태에도 무처리구에 비해 왕성하였다. 4. 이상의 실험예서 담배 야화병의 효과적인 방제는 조기재배에 의한 수확기의 단축과 6월 상순에서 중순까지의 발병기에 적절한 약제의 살포 그리고 이식전의 토양처리 등을 함으로써 이룩될 수 있다고 본다.
Tobacco wild fire caused by Pseudomonas tabaci(Wolf et Foster) Stevens is one of the most important diseases on tobacco plant in Korea. The objectives of the study were to investigate: 1) the relationships between environmental conditions and the disease development, 2) the effect of chemical spray and soil sterilization on the disease development, and 3) the proper date for chemical sprays during the growing season. The appearance of wild fire on tobacco plant was somewhat proportional to temperature and moisture in atmosphere. The first occurrence of the disease was in late part of June when the temperature was $18\;to\;20^{\circ}C$. with $65\;to\;70^{\circ}C$ of relative humidity. The disease was, then, gradually increased during early part of July with the temperature of $22\;to\;26^{\circ}C$. and $85\;to\;86^{\circ}C$ of. relative humidity. The rapid development of the disease occurred after heavy rain or storm during July. Two to three times of Phytomycin sprays(1:300-350) during the epidemic season reduced $28.3\%$ of disease damage when compared with control plot. Soil sterilization with chloropicrin. 10 liter/10a, Prior to transplanting of seedlings reduced not only wild fro damage but also the other tobacco diseases on field. The study showed that the damage caused by tobacco wild fro could be reduced with the use of early varieties and/or 2 or 3 times of Phytomycin sprays during early part of June, and soil sterilization with chloropicrin prior to transplanting.