한국응용곤충학회지 (Korean journal of applied entomology)
- 제9권1호
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- Pages.43-48
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- 1970
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- 1225-0171(pISSN)
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- 2287-545X(eISSN)
감자바이러스 매개진딧물 밀도조사(I)
A Survey of the Aphids in Sulchon Area (I)
- Yoon Soon Ki (College of Agr., Chonpuk Nat. Univ.,) ;
- Choi Seong Sik (Aphid Laboratory)
- 발행 : 1970.05.01
To investigate provincial seed Potato Production farms, a Preliminary survey on the local population of the aphids was made in Sulchon alphine area, Mooju-Goon, Chollapuk-Bo where the climatic conditions were almost same as those of Taegwanryong Kangwon-Do, where Alpine Experimental station is located. This area stands from 650 to 900 metres above the sea level and divided three location of A. B, C, by altitude. A stands at 900 metres above the sea level. B at 750 metres and C at 650 metres. A and B divided three points: Al, A2, A3, and Bl, B2, B3- and divided four points-Cl, C2, C3, C4- at the distance of 300 metres apart each other. The traps were operated from July 21 to October 31, 1969. Otherwise, the traps established at Suwon (inland) and Taegwanryong where Alpine Experimental Station. A total of some 70 species including five virus vector species were identified. The Numbers of species at 10 locations, Suwon and Taegwanryong are as follows; Al-34, A2-38, A3-29, B1-25, B2-26, B3-29, C1-27, C2-14, C3-32, C4-37, species (Table 1), Suwon-49 species (including 5 virus vectors species), Taegwanryong-22 species (including 4 virus vector species). The aphids are shown in Table 1 and the Vectors are as follows: 1. Aphis gossypii Glover 2. Aulacorthum solani (Kaltenbach) 3. Lipaphis erysimi (Kaltenbach) 4. Myzus persicae(Sulzer) 5. Phorodon humuli (Schrank) Numbers of vectors versus total aphid at each locations, including inland (Suwon) and alpine area (Taegwanryong) where Alpine Experimental Station are as Fig. 1. Of a total 8,902 aphids, 6,400