도열병 품종저항성과 도체내 성분과의 관계

Relationship between some chemical components in the rice plants and varietal reaction to blast disease

  • 발행 : 1970.05.01


수도품종명 도열병 저항성 차이와 도체내 성분과의 관계를 구명코저 저항성 품종, 중간정도 품종, 감수성인 품종의 실소 및 당 함량을 비교한 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 전질소, 전당 함량은 저항성인 품종이 감수성인 품종에 비해 전질소는 적고 전당은 많았다. 따라서 C/N 률은 저항성 품종이 감수성인 품종에 비해 높았다. 2) Free amino acid에 있어서는 저항성인 품종이 감수성인 품종에 비해 Glutamine, Valine 그리고 Leucine 과 Iso-leucine함량이 많았다. 3) 각종당액에서 전분합성은 저항성인 품종이 감수성인 품종에 비해 Fructose, Glucose에서는 높았고 Sucrose에서는 낮았으나 Indica type로 저항성인 Zenith에서는 오히려 전분합성이 감수성인 다다조 보다 떨어졌다. 4) 질소비료를 증시하면 전질소함량은 보비보다 증가하는데 그 증가율은 저항성인 품종에서 낮은 경향이었다. 전당은 분벽초기에 감소되며 그 감소율은 저항성인 품종이 더 떨어졌고 분벽최성기에는 오히려 증가하였는데 그 증가율은 저항성인 품종이 높은 경향이었다.

An investigation was carried out to know the relationship between resistance of rice varieties to blast disease and the chemical components, especially total nitrogen and total sugars, in the rice plants. The results sic summarized as follow: 1) The nitrogen contents in the resistant variety were less than those of susceptible one, and sugar contents were reversed. Accordingly, the C/N ratio in the resistant variety was higher than that obtained by susceptible one. 2) The free amino acids contents, especially, Glutamine, Valine, Leusine and Iso-leusine, in the resistant varieties were more than those of the susceptible varieties. 3) The starch synthetic activity of rice leaves in the resistant varieties was higher than that of susceptible one in fructose and glucose solutions, but it was reversed in sucrose solution. 4) When more nitrogen was dressed, the total nitrogen content of rice leaves was increased than the ordinary dressing. The rate of increase in nitrogen content in resistant variety was lower than those of the susceptible. The total sugar content of rice plants dressed more nitrogen was decreased at early tillering stage, but increased at maximum tillering stage. It seemed that the rate of increase of total sugar in the resistant variety was higher than those of the susceptible.
