간경변증에 있어서의 주요 간주사 소견과 식도정맥류와의 상관성에 관하여

Correlation of Major Scan Findings and Esophageal Varices in Liver Cirrhosis

  • 안재성 (가톨릭대학 의학부 방사선과학교실) ;
  • 박용휘 (가톨릭대학 의학부 방사선과학교실) ;
  • 임정익 (가톨릭대학 의학부 방사선과학교실)
  • Ahn, J.S. (Department of Radiology, Catholic Medical College) ;
  • Bahk, Y.W. (Department of Radiology, Catholic Medical College) ;
  • Lim, J.I. (Department of Radiology, Catholic Medical College)
  • 발행 : 1970.03.25


In an endeavor to help understand some typical scan findings and portal hemodynamics in liver cirrhosis, several commonly occurring scan changes and esophageal varices as demonstrated by esophagram were correlated one another from quantitative and qualitative stand points. Clinical materials consisted of 34 patients with proven diagnosis of liver cirrhosis and esophageal varices. Liver scan was performed with colloidal 198-Au and the changes in the size and internal architecture of the liver, splenic uptake and splenomegaly were graded and scored by repeated double-blind readings. The variceal changes on esophagrams were also graded according to the classification of Shanks and Kerley following modification. Of 34 patients, 91% showed definite reduction in liver volume (shrinkage) constituting the most frequent scan change. The splenic uptake and splenomegaly were noted in 73.5 and 79.4%, respectively. The present study revealed no positive correlation between the graded scan findings including shrinkage of the liver, splenic uptake or splenomegaly and severity of variceal changes of the esophagus. Exceptionally, however, apparently paradoxical correlation was noted between the severity of mottlings and varices. Thus, in the majority (73.5%) of patients mottlings were either absent or mild. This interesting observation is in favor of the view held by Christie et al. who consider the mottlings to be not faithful expression of actual scarring of the cirrhotic liver. This also would indicate that variceal changes are to be the results of intrahepatic arteriovenous shunting of blood with hypervolemic load to the portal system rather than simple hypertension secondary to fibrosis and shrinkage.
