- 合成殺蟲, 殺菌, 除草劑 大田暢人
- 農藝化學實驗書 v.3 三井哲夫(外二人)
- 實驗農藝化學(下) 東京大學農藝化學敎室
- 實驗農藝化學(別)
- 化學便覽
- Hand Book of Chemistry and Physics A.S.C.
- Principle and Practics Inorganic Chemisty H.J.Lucas
- Principle and Ionic Organic Reactions E.R. Alexander
A large variety of weed killers, insecticides, and bactericiedes on the market today are of almost infinite variety, but their pharmacological effects are different from each other according to the objects to cope with. Therefore, it is hoped that some chemical substance which serves as weed killer, an insecticide, and a bactericede at a same time, should be synthesized, in order to save expense and labor. I anticipated that the desire would be met by introducing to a molecule the radical which has the three effects. Here, I made an attempt of introducing