汚濁河川水의 地球化學的인 硏究 (第 II 報) 서울市內 河川水 및 工場排水의 化學的 酸素要求量

Geochemical Investigations of Contaminated River Waters Part II-Chemical Oxygen Demand of River Water and Industrial Waste Water in Seoul

  • 이용근 (延世大學校 理工大學 化學科)
  • Lee, Yong-Keun (Department of Chemistry, College of Science and Engineering, Yonsei University)
  • 발행 : 19700300


River water and industrial waste water in Seoul were studied by means of chemical oxygen demand(COD) as an indicator for water pollution, from August 1967 to July 1968. Rivers flowing through residential and industrial areas are badly contaminated and COD of water in Han River increases as it progresses to downstream. Seasonal variation of COD showed that higher value of COD was observed in spring and lower in autumn. It is clear that the seasonal variation of COD is influenced by the precipitation. Close relationship was found between COD and population density. The lowest COD curve obtained by plotting COD values against population density and show that the curve slopes upward. The discontinuation of the curve was shown at the population density of 14,000/km$^2$; an increase in COD was acute over the population density of 14,000/km$^2$.



  1. 中央化學硏究所報告 v.5 權肅杓(外)
  2. 中央化學硏究所報告 v.8 金星翊(外)
  3. The Bulletin of The City of Seoul of Hygienic Laboratories v.1 Hygienic Chem. Sec.
  4. The Bulletin of The City of Seoul of Hygienic Laboratories v.3 L. H. Yoo(et al.)
  5. 中大論文集 v.10 文炳烈(外)
  6. 서울特別市一圓水質調査報告
  7. The New Medical Journal v.11 S. P. Kwun(et al.)
  8. The New Medical Journal v.11 S. P. Kwun(et al.)
  9. J. Korean Chem. Soc. v.12 K. J. Whang
  10. Yonsei Non-Chong v.6 Y. K. Lee
  11. JIS K-0101
  12. Nippon Kagaku Zassi v.77 I. Iwasaki;T. Nitta
  13. Aspects of River Pollution Lewis Klein
  14. 工業廢水 淸浦雪作
  15. 江戶川の水質基準, 水 v.5
  16. 서울統計年報 서울特別市
  17. 當佳人口調査結果報告 서울特別市