몇가지 탄저병균의 분생포자형성에 미치는 광선의 영향

Effect of light on conidial formation in several anthracnose fungi

  • 발행 : 1969.03.01


4종의 탄저병균, Colletrichum panacicola, C. gloeosporides, C. truncatum 및 C. nicotianae의 분생포자형성에 미치는 광선의 영향을 감자과당한천배지에서 각 분생포자현탁액을 Petri접시 전면에 접종하여 시험하였다. C. nicotianae를 제외한 세 탄저병균은 지속광선구에서 다른 두구보다 분생포자형성이 증가되었는데 그 두 구간에는 현저한 차이가 없었다. 공시 탄저병균 별로 보면 C. panacicola의 분생포자량이 가장 적었고 C. gloeosporioides는 중간, C. truncatum은 가장 많았다. 분생포자형성량의 차이는 공시 탄저병균(P=0.99), 광선처리 (P=0.95) 및 그 상호작용(P=0,99)에 따라 통계학적으로 유의성이 있었다.

Effect of light on conidial formation of Colletotrichum panacicola, C. gloeosporioides, C. runcatum and C. nicotianae was examined on potato dextrose agar on which each conidial suspension was seeded. The light source was Mitsubishi day light fluorescent lamps wi th an intensity of 100-120 ft-c at the colony surface. The treatments were (i)constant light, (ii) constant darkness, and (iii) alternating light (11hr.) and darkness {13hr.) at $26\{\circ}C\pm2$. With the exception of C. nicotianae, constant light gave the greatest sporulation over that obtained in the other two treatments; there were on significant differences in number of sporulation between under constant darkness and alternating light and darkness. C. nicotianae resulted in maximum. inter mediate and minimum sporulation under alternating light and darkness. constant darkness and constant light, respectively. These differences were statistically significant at $5\%$ level. C. truncatum and C. nicotianae produced abundant conidia in the entire test; C. gloeosporioides was intermediate, and C. panacicola was the least. Differences in number of sporulation due to light. organisms. and t he interaction of these two were all statistically significant.
