한국에서의 벼밤나방(Sesamia inferens Walker)의 생태와 약제방제에 관한 연구

Studies on ecolgy and control for the purplish stem borer (Sesamia inferens Walker) in Korea

  • 배상희 (식물환경연구소 곤충과) ;
  • 이정운 (식물환경연구소 곤충과) ;
  • 이병현 (식물환경연구소 곤충과)
  • Bae S. H. (Dept. of Entomology, Institute of Plant Environment, ORD) ;
  • Lee J. O. (Dept. of Entomology, Institute of Plant Environment, ORD) ;
  • Lee B. H. (Dept. of Entomology, Institute of Plant Environment, ORD)
  • 발행 : 1969.03.01


1. 한국에서는 벼 밤나방 (Sesamia inferens Walker)이 중남부지방에서 발생하여 이화명충과 유사한 가해상을 나타내고 있으며 유충태로 주로 지하부 도경에서 월동하고 년 2-3회 발생하였다. 2, 각 충태별 코기는 난이 $0.645\pm0,037\times0.399\pm0.757mm$, 유충이 $18.32\pm3.72mm$, 용이 $15.8\pm2.0mm$ 성충자아가 $11.56\pm1.35mm$, 웅아는 $10.36\pm0.87mm$였다. 3. 각충태별 기간은 각 화기에 따라 차가 컸으나 7-9월경인 2화기가 가장 짧았으며 그 기간은 란기$6.37\pm0.49$일, 유충기 $32.13\pm4.16$일, 용기 $13.38\pm0.92$ 성충기 $4.76\pm2.09$일였다. 4. 방제약제로는 Pot 시험결과 무처리 피해경율 $62.6\%$에 대하여 m.Parathion G $12.0\%$, EPNec$22.9\%$, Diazinon G $24.7\%$, Labaycid G $27.3\%$의 순으로 양호한 방제효과를 나타내었다.

The purplish stem borer (Sesamia inferens Walker). which was infested in southern part of Korea. attack rice plant. and its damage appear quite serious in some districts. This study was conducted to investigate the life history. seasonal abundance and control of the insect pest. The pest overwinter as larvae and it seems to have 2-3 generations in a year. It takes 56.6 days in the shortest one while the longest one takes 74.6 days. Three peaks of moth appearance are May-June. end of July and end of August, respectively. The effectivencess of insecticides was compared with EPNec $45\%$ and the different granular insecticides in pot experiment. In the result. M. Parathion G. EPNec, Diazinon G and Lebaycid G showed good control of the pest. with the infestation of $12.0,\; 22.9\%,\; 24.7\%,\; and\; 27.3\%$ respectively, while the untreated has $62.6\%$
