The ammonium salt of Nitrosophenylhydroxylamine "called cupferron", is a well-known analytical reagent, which precipitates a great number of metal ions in acid medium. The electrode reduction velocities of cupferron at droping mercury electrode in various supporting electrolytes were measured by Delahay method. The free energy of activation and transfer coefficient for a given electrode reaction are computed from the corresponding current-voltage curve. The number of electrons involved in the rate determining step of the reduction of cupferron is calculated for solutions of various pH.
酸性溶液中에서 重金屬 이온의 沈澱劑로 널리 使用되는 Nitrosophenyhydroxylamine(Cupferron)의 非可逆電極反應의 電流電壓曲線과 酸性 및 알카리性에서의 還元反應機構 및 反應速度 그리고 pH變化에 따른 관여전자수, 活性化 energy를 Delahay 方法을 利用하여 구하였다.