X線螢光分析에 依한 珪酸鹽鑛物의 分析

The X-Ray Fluorescent Spectrographic Analysis of Silicate Minerals

  • 김찬국 (科學技術處 國立地質調査所) ;
  • 상기남 (科學技術處 國立地質調査所) ;
  • 김황암 (科學技術處 國立地質調査所)
  • 발행 : 19690300


螢光X線을 利用하여 珪酸鹽鑛物中의 主成分인 $SiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$, $Fe_2O_3$, CaO, MgO 및 $K_2O$를 迅速히 分析할 目的으로 試料의 處理 測定 및 各條件에 對하여 檢討하였다. 試料를 Lithium Tetraborate로 용융하여 300Mesh 以上의 微粉末로 한後 40,000Lb의 壓力으로 成型하여 Tungsten과 Chromium 對陰極의 X-線管과 LiF, EDDT, ADP의 分光結晶을 使用하여 測定하였다. 各成分에 對한 檢量曲線은 Matrix Effect를 고려하여 N.B.S 및 International Rock Standard를 選定 使用하였고 Lanthanum Oxide 및 Binder로서 Borie Acid를 첨가하여 얻었다. 各成分에 對하여 本法의 再現性 및 誤差를 檢討하기를 爲하여 I.R.S T-1을 使用하여 測定한 結果 0.47($SiO_2$), 0.85($Al_2O_3$), 0.05($Fe_2O_3$), 0.07(caO), 0.02($K_2O$), 0.13(MgO)의 標準偏差를 얻었다. 또한 化學分析植에 對한 偏差를 求하고져 Clay, Kaoline, Alunite, Wallastonite 및 Zeolite 等의 珪酸鹽鑛物을 選定하여 化學分析 및 本法에 依한 分析結果를 비교하였다.

X-ray Fluorescence Spectrographic method has been applied for the rapid determination of main components, such as $SiO_2$, $Al_2O_3$, $Fe_2O_3$, CaO, MgO and $K_2O$ in Silicate Minerals. In this method, Boric Acid was used as a binder after fusion with Lithium Tetraborate in the briquet-making process. The Lithium Flubride, Ammonium di-Hydrogen Phosphate and Ethylene Diamine d-Tartrate crystals were used with Scintillation counter and Gas Flow counter as the detectors. Several influences on this method were discussed, including the particle size of samples and reducing of the matrix effects by dilution with Boric Acid and addition of Lanthanum Oxide with the diluent. In order to test the reproducibility of this method described above, the determination of the same kind of samples were carried out repeatedly, and the results obtained were presented in the table. Calibration curves for each element were presented, and the application of the method was tested with International Rock Standard T-Ⅰ. All the results obtained by X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrographic method were compared with the results by conventional chemical method.



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