Methylene Blue의 방사선 방어결과 1. Methylene Bluerk가 $\gamma$선에 조사된 흰쥐의 유산탈수소효소의 함량과유산탈수소효소의 동위효소에 미치는 영향

Radioprotective Effect of Methylene Blue 1. Effect of Methylene Blue on Lactic Dehydrogenase Level and Lactic Dehydrogenase Isoenzymes of Rats Exposed to Gamma-Irradiation

  • Sang Yul Nam (Department of Biology, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea) ;
  • Seung Han Chang (Department of Biology, Kyung Hee University, Seoul, Korea)
  • 발행 : 1969.09.01


盛熱한 albino 雄性 흰쥐를 對照群과 實驗群으로 나누어 對照群에는 0.9% 生理食鹽水를, 實驗群에는 methylene blue(38mg/kg, 食鹽水에 溶解 pH 7.4)를 各各 腹腔注射處理하였다. 約 30 分後 兩群 共히 總線量 360 rads 인 $^60 Co$의 r 線을 一時 全身照射하였다. 照射後 212時間에 걸쳐 血淸總乳酸脫水素酵素의 含量(Cabaud and Droblewski 1958)과 血淸을 비롯하여 肝, 心臟, 精巢組織의 乳酸脫水素酵素의 同位酵素vnfortys(Preston et al., 1965)을 各各 測定하여 methylene blue 의 放射線에 對한 防禦 果를 硏究調査하였다. 一般的으로 血淸總乳酸脫水素酵素의 含量은 兩群共히 r 線照射後 初期에 增加하나 特히 methylene blue 實驗群인 處理群은 對照群인 生理食鹽水群에 比하여 15 및 64 時間區에서 增加의 遲滯性을 나타내었다. 血淸과 肝, 心臟 및 精巢組織의 乳酸脫水素酵素의 同位酵素는 兩群共히 線照射後 40과 116 時間區에서 陽極쪽의 同位酵素 푸랙숀 含量은 減少한다. 照射群 methylene blue 處理群의 血淸과 肝 및 精巢組織 乳酸脫水素酵素의 同位酵素패턴에서는 對照群과 別差異가 없었으나 特히 methylene blue 處理群의 心臟組織은 對照群에 比하여 若干의 增減의 遲滯性을 나타내었다. 兩群共히 照射後 血淸乳酸脫水素酵素含量의 增加는 同位酵素푸랙숀 1의 增加에 基因된다고 思料되며 이상의 結果로 미루어 보아 總乳酸脫水素酵素 活性과 心臟組織의 乳酸脫水素酵素의 同位酵素패턴에 있어서 methylene blue가 放射線防禦 果가 있는 것으로 思料된다.

The protective action of methylene blue against gamma-irradiation was studied with rats. Albino rats were given 360 rads of whole-body gamma-irradiation following an intraperitoneal injection of physiological saline or methylene blue. Male rats given methylene blue (38mg/kg) and the control rats given saline were alive following gamma-irradiation. Serum lactic dehydrogenase (LDH) activity, and LDH isoenzyme patterns in serum and various organs were determined at various time intervals after the exposure. 1) The serum LDH level in both the control and methylene blue-treated rats was increased during the initial phase, but returned to the initial level thereafter. 2) Methylene blue showed a marked delay in the rise of serum LDH at 15 and 64 hours after exposure. 3) The exposure in the control and methylene blue-treated rats resulted in an increase in the relative amount of the more electrophoretically mobile-anodal isoenzyme (band 1) and a decrease in the least mobile-cathodal isoenzyme (band 5) in serum, liver, heart and testis nearly at 40 and 116 hours, respectively. 4) Isoenzyme patterns in serum, liver and testis after exposure were not significantly different between the control and the methylene blue-treated rats. 5) Methylene blue showed a slight delay in alteration of heart tissue LDH isoenzyme patterns after exposure. 6) The increase of serum LDH level after exposure is a reflection of an immediate increase in the H type, band 1 of LDH isoenzymes. 7) It is concluded from this study that methylene blue has a remarkable radioprotective action in the serum LDH activity and in the heart tissue LDH isoenzyme patterns.
